CybersecurItY industry
61% of organisations experienced a 25% jump in cyberthreats since the start of 2020.
Solutions based on nVidia Morpheus significantly increase the level of cybersecurity in the organisation.
Product story
We increase the cybersecurity of your business
Traditional cybersecurity pipelines run on CPU-based cybersecurity infrastructure relayed on a fixed architecture can’t keep up with the volume of network traffic generated today.
They usually store huge amount of data to be scanned or indexed later, if even possible. This approach poses a potential risk of recognising an infected network with a long delay, what is not acceptable by security policy.
Other strategy that can be applied is to inspect just a fraction of the network packets in real time what may result in missing most threats.
Using GPU-based cybersecurity solutions enables to scan all of the network traffic in real time. Detection and reaction to threats is immediate as they occur.
Artificial intelligence is used to identify, capture, and act on threats and anomalies that was previously impossible to identify.
Adaptable to on-premise or cloud environments, creates optimised artificial intelligence pipelines for filtering, processing, and classifying large volumes of real time data.